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Boost Your Health and Happiness



Health and Happiness

A FREE online event

from Wellness Books

Starts 20th June 2023

Transformational Breath®

Sound Therapy

Consciousness & somatic movement



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 Make yourself comfortable as we dive into some fascinating complementary therapies for this online event showcasing some of the tools that have been so central in my own journey to better health.

The techniques that are described are a mixture of old and new understandings about the body and mind; for example, breathing techniques designed to calm down the nervous system and access buried layers in order to (gently) begin untangling false beliefs that can shape our lives.

Likewise, the combination of mindful movement and breath awareness talked about by Life Coach and author Lianne Campbell can also help bring about a sense of ease, while Reiki is becoming increasingly recognised as of value in some healthcare settings. In my chat with author, speaker and ReikiScience Academy founder Torsten A. Lange, you'll be guided through a short Reiki session for yourself.

Sound has always been a go-to tool for me when anxiety is building, or to uplift my mood. In my discussion with sound therapist Lyz Cooper, we learn that sound therapy can be used to get to the root of emotional pain in order to release it, while using sound as a safe space to explore subconscious aspects of self.

Finally, Earthing - also known as “grounding” - is something of an unsung hero, with growing evidence to suggest that this practice, which simply involves barefoot contact with the earth, can help relieve pain and inflammation, improve sleep and alleviate stress. During our talk, Jen Finlay, founder of Earthing Revolution, shares her debilitating battle with chronic illness and how Earthing supported her journey to recovery.

My aim with this event is to highlight alternative therapies and practices at a time when healthcare is under pressure, mental illness is prevalent and the world is recovering from the global pandemic and other crises. These practices may empower others in their path to wellbeing, as they have helped me.


Founder, Wellness Books

Transformational Breath® - Nathalie Montille

Nathalie Montille is a Transformational Breath® Senior Trainer who has been active in this field for almost 24 years. She came across this breathing system in 1998, whilst living and working as an international Civil Servant in Geneva, Switzerland. 

As a young woman, Nathalie realised something seemed to be missing from her life; she did not have access to the unconditional joy other young children seemed to possess. In fact, she used to beat herself up, thinking of herself as being shallow because she was unable to feel anything very deeply.

At that point, she says, “life became her greatest teacher”, and it brought exactly what she needed to take her deep inside to meet her own Self. 

Transformational Breath® is one of the most powerful tools she encountered during this time, helping her to feel it all – the pain as much as the joy. 

The practice has cleared the blocks that previously stopped Nathalie from feeling the juiciness of life, giving back her “real” life and bringing more contentment and peace.

Nathalie is based in the UK and works locally as well as internationally, teaching Transformational Breath® around the world. 

Over the course of her career, Nathalie has inspired countless people to transform their lives through her work – helping them to “access their full inner potential”.

Nathalie is a hugely gifted facilitator who works intuitively with her clients, guiding them into awakening to who they truly are, and helping empower them by teaching them how they can use their own breath to achieve this. 

Find out more about Nathalie at www.nathaliemontille.com. 

Click here to join Nathalie and learn Transformational Breath for yourself at her next workshop. 

Lianne Campbell is an author and life and wellbeing coach with over 30 years’ experience in the field of health and wellness. 

A former dancer and choreographer, Lianne was naturally always aware of how the physical body impacts mental and emotional wellbeing, and after experiencing problems with her own health, she transitioned into wellbeing – teaching yoga, studying EFT and other energy medicine techniques. 

After many years of exploration into ancient philosophies and techniques, and various other complementary approaches to health and wellbeing, Lianne has helped hundreds of clients create lasting change in their lives using a mixture of energy work and mind-body practices.

Lianne offers a unique blend of life coaching and somatic practices to help people align their mind and body. Through the company A Handpicked Life, which Lianne established with her niece Hannah, Lianne’s mission is to share what has enriched every aspect of her own life with as many people as possible.

Find out more about Lianne at A HandpickedLife.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ahandpickedlife and on YouTube: @ahandpickedlife.

Lyz Cooper is music therapy researcher and composer who founded the British Academy of Sound Therapy and co-founded the Therapeutic Sound Association. She’s a member of the International Academy of Sound Therapy, a board member of the Global Listening Centre, and also owns The Healthy Sound Group in the UK. 

Lyz has been a leader in the field of sound therapy for approximately three decades. She was the first person to gain a recognised qualification in sound therapy in Britain, and has travelled the world to uncover more about how therapeutic sound works, even developing her own techniques for sound therapy.

She discovered the therapeutic benefits of sound at the height of her advertising career, after being diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. While convalescing, she noticed that music and sounds had a soothing effect on her – leading to a journey of discovery not only to heal herself, but also to find out why sounds can have such a powerful effect on us. 

Continue your journey with Lyz at The British Academy of Sound Therapy website and at the Healthy Sound Group

Please note that the competition mentioned in this video is now closed.

Jen Finlay is the founder of Earthing Revolution, an educational hub and online shop where people can learn about the benefits of Earthing (also known as “grounding”), which involves bare-foot contact with the earth in order to benefit from the natural frequencies of the ground. 

Jen discovered the practice of Earthing after receiving a diagnosis of Crohn’s, an incurable auto-immune disease that left her debilitated and desperate for relief from its symptoms.   

Having tried everything, Jen turned to more spiritual methods to improve the quality of her life, and it was while having an energy healing treatment that she says she received the intuition to start Earthing, and to buy a grounding mat for that purpose. 

Although she had never heard of it, she began to research the benefits of Earthing, and so began a “profound healing journey”.

“I was diagnosed with anxiety at a very young age and suffered from panic attacks that left me struggling to breathe and thinking death was knocking at my door. The only option available was medical intervention in the form of anti-depressants. However, I suffered debilitating side effects in addition to the anxiety, so I decided to try and just live with the condition.  

“I believe my mental state, along with life’s challenges and stresses, eventually manifested as Crohn’s.”

Stumbling across The Earthing Movie, featuring the pioneer of this practice, Clint Ober, and his product range that replicates bare-foot connection with the earth, Jen started walking barefoot in her garden and soon noticed a change in her mood and reduced anxiety, as well as an improvement in her sleep, pain and energy levels and, more importantly, her Crohn’s “flare-ups”.

After investing in Clint’s patented grounding products, Jen was so amazed by the results that she started to buy the products for friends and family, to find that they, too, enjoyed an improved quality of health.  

On a mission to share what she had learned with as many people as possible, Jen invested in more Earthing products and started giving them away with the aim of showing how this simple practice could make a difference in their lives.

The response was overwhelmingly positive, and so Jen began a quest to inform people about Earthing. 

“Earthing gave me my life back,” says Jen. “Earthing Revolution was born from divine intervention and a desire to make a difference in the world by passing on this knowledge and helping people in the same way it helped me,” says Jen.

“My dream is to show people that they can naturally, and for free, address inflammation – the root cause of chronic disease.  I want to share this phenomenon and help educate people about the disconnection from Mother Earth and how that impacts our overall health.

“Happy Earthing!”

Find out more about Jen, and the practice of Earthing, at the website Earthing Revolution and find her on Instagram at EarthingRevolution

Torsten A. Lange is the founder and director of the ReikiScience® Academy in London, an international speaker and workshop facilitator, and the only Hay House author on the subject of Reiki. 

He has researched extensively into the history and spiritual foundations of Reiki, and taught thousands of students worldwide. He credits Reiki with saving his life and bringing it back on track!

Torsten began his career as an entrepreneur, with businesses in Germany and UK, and a wholesale operation to the USA. However, while in his 30s, his business collapsed due to unforeseen circumstances. Almost overnight, Torsten was bankrupt, homeless, and on the verge of ending his life. This situation continued for years – but on the very day that Reiki came into his life, his fortunes started to change. 

Amazed and puzzled how “energy” could bring such change, Torsten decided to explore the phenomenon further – and so started a journey of discovering the spirituality behind Reiki. His research has revealed new information about the origins of Reiki in Japan, which in turn led him to uncovering a world-first: independent, scientific proof of the different vibrational levels of Reiki.

Torsten’s latest book, The Reiki Revolution, There is a Way was published earlier this year.

Torsten also runs a weekly YouTube show called The Reiki Revolution LIVE

Find him on YouTube at Reiki Revolution Live or discover some of his courses at ReikiScience Academy.

Questions? Contact info@wellnessbooks.co.uk for further details about the event.

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