Nathalie Montille is a Transformational Breath® Senior Trainer who has been active in this field for almost 24 years. She came across this breathing system in 1998, whilst living and working as an international Civil Servant in Geneva, Switzerland.
As a young woman, Nathalie realised something seemed to be missing from her life; she did not have access to the unconditional joy other young children seemed to possess. In fact, she used to beat herself up, thinking of herself as being shallow because she was unable to feel anything very deeply.
At that point, she says, “life became her greatest teacher”, and it brought exactly what she needed to take her deep inside to meet her own Self.
Transformational Breath® is one of the most powerful tools she encountered during this time, helping her to feel it all – the pain as much as the joy.
The practice has cleared the blocks that previously stopped Nathalie from feeling the juiciness of life, giving back her “real” life and bringing more contentment and peace.
Nathalie is based in the UK and works locally as well as internationally, teaching Transformational Breath® around the world.
Over the course of her career, Nathalie has inspired countless people to transform their lives through her work – helping them to “access their full inner potential”.
Nathalie is a hugely gifted facilitator who works intuitively with her clients, guiding them into awakening to who they truly are, and helping empower them by teaching them how they can use their own breath to achieve this.
Find out more about Nathalie at
Click here to join Nathalie and learn Transformational Breath for yourself at her next workshop.